Academic Life

Durham is a great place to work, in fact it's a privilege working in such a beautiful place. I never tire of walking up and down the hills, over the bridges, in and out of the pubs. It's great, I especially like it when the students are in town and the small city centre is buzzing with activity.

You can tell when the new students are in town as they're wandering around with give-away gifts like pens and balloons in their hand and sweaters detailing their college of choice. All of them look lost, even the ones that live here. For many, it's their first time away from home, sharing accommodation with others and you find them initialing the fish fingers in Safeway before they take them to the cashier. They're walking around wearing strange hair cuts and clothes their mothers have picked out for them, and they're all so young. I swear they get younger every year.

It doesn't last for long, this innocence thing. A couple of weeks and they're sitting on corridor floors in torn jeans, with ripped course books trying to juggle their life between lectures and bars, and trying not to fall asleep in seminars. You hear them in the corridors complaining about their heavy work load "It's like, man, I have like 3 classes next Wednesday man, and my head like, is just gonna explode, I may just have to spend more time in the bar to get my head around this man". Don't get me wrong, I like students and I appreciate the fact that some of them are this country's future, it's just that they're everywhere in Durham, you can't escape them. You can't get in the pub on a Saturday night, you can't book a table in a restaurant, you can't get a seat in the cinema (yup, it's that small!).

But, having students in Durham does make it jump. Durham isn't exactly the hottest place to come to for socialising, although it does have a certain charm. Now that the students are back in town the place is very busy. None of the shop owners (or the pubs!) are complaining and who I am to complain either? But if get nutted on the head by one more yellow balloon this week by someone wearing a college sweater, asking for directions to the union bar, wearing a silly haircut and last year's trousers, I swear I will simply scream.

Glenda Young is also the authoress of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:

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